The Operating Room

What is the operating room? Operating rooms exist in many different settings across the US and around the world. You will find operating rooms in hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, mobile surgical units, and even in some doctor’s offices. Sterile procedures can be performed in units like endoscopy, pain management, laser centers, and interventional radiology as well. No matter the setting, our collective goal is to deliver patient care that is safe and effective, while being efficient with our time and resources.
The operating room, as a department, is made up of a multitude of people. Surgeons, PAs, RNFAs and CSTFAs, anesthesiologists, CRNAs, OR Nurses, Surgical Technologists, radiology techs, patient care assistants, sterile processing technicians, and a wide assortment of residents and students who are training as well. Each of us are uniquely trained to fill different roles within the department, but each role is distinctly valuable. Together we are the surgical team, and we’re all working toward that common goal: safe and effective patient care.
First Case is passionate about enabling front-line staff and perioperative leaders alike to have the education that they need to confidently deliver safe patient care. We understand that safe surgical outcomes require precision, attention to detail, awareness and understanding of the most up-to-date guidelines and recommendations, and a whole lot of heart from all of those who interact with patients on a daily basis.
The partnerships we forge and the education we provide bring to life the real challenges that perioperative professionals face and provide ideas for meeting those challenges with tenacity. Are our ideas audacious at times? Absolutely. But, we think these kinds of ideas are what will succeed in bringing true progress. And progress that leads to better patient outcomes and safer patient care is definitely a step in the right direction.