Fits Like A Glove: The Performance and Protection of Latex Free Gloves
Vendor Spotlight™ Featuring Dr. Rosemary Sergakis

Surgical gloves make it possible for us to safely operate on patients every single day. However, persistent exposure to latex gloves increases the risk of a latex reaction for patients and clinicians alike. In today’s First Case Vendor SpotlightTM, we’re speaking with Dr. Rosemary Sergakis, Global Medical Science Lead (US) at Cardinal Health about the exposure risks associated with latex surgical gloves and about the benefits of switching to latex-free surgical gloves. In this interview, we’ll discover how Cardinal Health has supported hundreds of latex-free OR conversions, how they tailor the conversion specifically to each facility, and how converting to latex-free surgical gloves improves the safety of clinicians and patients.
As one of the pioneers in the latex-free movement in the OR, Cardinal Health’s ProtexisTM Surgical Gloves are the market leader in polyisoprene surgical gloves. With a fit and feel similar to latex gloves, the ProtexisTM PI Surgical Glove is the most popular glove in the United States. You can learn more about Protexis synthetic polyisoprene and neoprene surgical gloves and discover how your facility can go latex-free by visiting
You can also contact Cardinal Health at 800.321.0591 and be sure to follow them on LinkedIn and Facebook!
*This podcast is intended for healthcare professionals.